Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Last days in China

Today might be a blog post with a lot of pictures, because we had a whole day off and we were able to take a day trip to the Chimelong Safari Park. It was probably the best zoo type experience I have ever had, with the only other one implanted in my memory was from when I was about 13 at the San Diego Wild Animal Park.  We were able to get SO CLOSE to the animals and the animals were ones we don't always get to see in the States. Our favorites guessed it....pandas! We got to go with our new friends Mark and Melinda (from Minnesota) and share the day with them and their family, which made it that much more enjoyable.

TJ was the picture taker extraordinare, and got some amazing shots. Most of which are on the other camera, but here are a few from my phone....

They had so many koalas!

There is nothing like seeing a panda in person.

Josie and I liked the Pandas best. I could have stayed in there all day watching them eat and play. The Park prided itself at having the only triplet pandas born in captivity in the country.  Typically solitary animals, these youngens were still together.  I think the videos won't work, but it's a good pic of Josie enamored.

Kevin's favorite was the Giant Anteater. Especially when it stuck out it's enormously long tongue.

No barriers, just walking right up to this gorgeous creature.

Kevin and Mark studying the quirky Probiscus Monkeys. The monkeys were not interested in being photographed, but the zoo made up for it by posting their picture about every 20 feet around the entire park.

Long noses signify good things in China. The Chinese sure love these monkeys!

Cute little lemurs crowding around a fruit munching. Josie is open to riding on my back now instead of my front, which makes my back VERY happy. 

We ended the day at our favorite local noodle shop. We feed all four of us for under $9 every time we go and we all love the food too.

Wish we could take this place home with us!

Today we are just wrapping up the explosion of our suitcases all over the hotel room and getting set to wake up early tomorrow to head to Hong Kong. We got Josie's visa this morning, so she is all clear for take off to the U.S. Our flight leaves Hong Kong at 11:30ish and we head to Seattle where Josie will become a U.S. citizen upon landing! After working through immigration there, we'll head back on a plane for the short ride to Minneapolis/St. Paul!

We will be on Delta, Flight 2536.Nov. 3rd, departing from Seattle at 1:20pm and arriving in Minneapolis at 6:38pm.

Our kids and parents will be there and if you'd like to meet Josie briefly, we'd love to see you! After this we might hunker down for a few months :) We are hopeful her adjustment will go well as she seems to have become much more comfortable with us even in this last week and a half. But just to be sure we will do our best to keep her world 'small' for the next few months. We are still so impressed with this courageous little girl.

We want to publically thank God for the seamless trip we have had paperwork/logistics wise. And also for new friends with great cold medicine. This trip is obviously only the beginning of our journey, as Josie will take a while to get acclimated to her new life.  We also will readjust to life as a family of seven. But we feel like we have had a great foundation to build on and we cannot thank God enough for that.

Thank you too, for investing in our journey - for your supportive comments and prayers and help with our kids as we've been gone. It really helps to not do this alone.

Good-bye to China for now!
Hopefully if we come back for a visit we'll be able to bring the whole crew!
Psalm 121 in Chinese
"I lift up my eyes to the hills. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord. Maker of heaven and earth...The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore."

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