Thursday, September 14, 2017

It's all getting real

Well, I compared the updates I gave on our adoption process on the blog this time as opposed to last time and it appears, I was much more prompt last time :) Can having one more child in the family really make life that more unpredictable? I'm thinking so. And here we go again.

Last week we received both our Article 5 Pick up and our TA. TA stands for Travel Approval. As soon as we received TA from China, our agency requested our CA. CA stands for Consulate Appointment. We got the date of our fist choice. They booked it and we were off to look at flights! Our Travel Agent (Adoption Airfare...huge kudos), right before we were about to book, found us a flight that was significantly less expensive. Less than our last trip and this time we're traveling with 4 people rather than 3! So, yesterday we booked them! A friend from the kids' school graciously found a friend of hers 'back home' in Beijing who is willing to host us for the first few jetlag days. So, we're super excited to meet a new friend and experience life in China outside of  hotel rooms and government offices.

I do remember this part in the process last time though. It's when the paperwork is all done and it all hits. We're doing this. And soon. Life really never stays the same.

A week before Jude was born, I was rocking a sleepy Timothy, my one year old baby who was about to not be "the baby" anymore. I cried. Then Jude came and we cried tears of joy because he was and still is such a gift. Last night I held Annie, as she crawled up to snuggle her 7.5 year old little self into my ever shrinking lap. Her status will change from the only girl to big sister once again. I reflected a bit too on how her life will change. Even though I am so looking forward to the joy JiaYun will bring to her and our whole family. As Ben went into school today, he asked for an 'uppy'. He's almost 6, but we do 'uppy' a lot to make up for all the 'uppy's' we missed the first 3.5 years :) Pretty soon, he will have to start sharing the 'uppy's' and I grieved a bit for this loss among others. I also imagine the great connection I am hopeful for between him and JiaYun. To be from the same province in China, share such a similar story and be a lifelong support to one another. Last night I looked over at JiaYun's toddler bed all set up in our room...thinking Kevin and I will be sharing our room with a little once again. Our nights will look different as our 'sanctuary' after the kids go to bed will not quite be just about us for a while. Every member of our family will adapt, sacrifice and change as we welcome this new sister and daughter. But that's the mission of God, isn't it? Stepping out of our comfort zone, to make room to share His love. Jesus has made room for us in His Father's family. So, He knows what it's like and can empower and equip us when it is hard.

As much as our lives will change, JiaYun's life will change the most. I still struggle with feeling excited, nervous and sad about it all at the same time. Loss proceeds every adoption. I want to remember and honor that loss as we also experience joy and hope in what God has in store for JiaYun and our family.

So, since we booked flights, that means we have dates! We are planning to leave Thursday, October 19th. Because of the time difference, we will arrive Friday evening, the 20th in China. We will spend Friday and Saturday night in Bejing with our new friends and then take a train Sunday to Nanjing.The following Monday we meet our girl. The next day, we officially adopt her. Tuesday, October 24th. Approximately 40 days from now, we'll be a family.

If you are praying for us and want to continue....please do!

1) Thank you God, for the great financial deal on our flights and the good timing!
2) Thank you Jesus, for the generosity of Lily and her family to host us in Bejing!
3) Thank you Lord, that Jude, Annie and Ben are looking forward to their adventures with friends and family while TJ, Kevin and I are abroad.
4) Thank you also, for TJ's wide eyed excitement to be front and center to the process this time around.
5) Thank you, God, SO MUCH that we are feeling relatively peaceful about the entire process with minimal anxiety.

1) Lord, please be revealing yourself to JiaYun as her Shepherd, the one who will comfort and protect her in this big journey of change.
2) Please prompt the workers in the Institute to show her our pictures often over the next few weeks and talk about us and adoption in accurate and life giving ways.
3) Please allow Kevin and I clear minds to juggle house stuff, school stuff, adoption stuff, surprise stuff well and with wisdom and composure.

Blessings on your week!
Courtney, Kevin and the crew

One last summer hurrah in Milwaukee over Labor Day.