Saturday, October 28, 2017

A big moment and just random stuff

If you have low expectations of things out of your control, it is always pleasant to be surprised :)

Kevin has been patiently and gently approaching Josie for the past week, but giving her space when she wants to cling to Mama. I caught him watching her yesterday and asked him what he was thinking. He just said "She's awesome."

It then was a moment he savored, when she wanted to be picked up and allowed him to do it. We were in the lobby of our new, grandiose hotel and though it was just for a few minutes, Kevin relished all of it. Now, he could start to resonate with me when I've been saying she's no lightweight!

Dad loves Josie.
This is by far less significant, but our view in Guangzhou is pretty incredible. I am wishing I could have taken a picture from Nanjing to show the difference. But the hotel shape was basically just a square where all the rooms windows started out at the other windows across the empty space. I was always afraid we were going to see a show we didn't intend on seeing. This is a little more visually interesting and safe.

We got in the elevator on Saturay morning to head to our first breakfast in our new hotel, when another family joined us from the 12th floor on the way down. It was clear they were adopting also and the wife said "Are you the Hubers family?" We said we were and we found out we had a mutual acquaintance who had told them to keep an eye out for us. It also turns out our guide works for their agency too. So we have a few outings this week where it will be our guide and our two families together. We also are both from the Twin Cities in MN and the husband of the family recognized Kevin's name because he used to work at Ameriprise. Crazy, huh? This is their second adoption as well and they are adding their 7th child to the family. Upon hearing that, my witty husband told them he thought it best if we didn't hang out together. They caught his sense of humor and we've enjoyed our interactions with them ever since.

We all went to our medical appointment together later that morning, where Josie was less than thrilled with being poked and prodded. She is such a sensitive, sweet girl. Her cries just melt me. It is so good to have the blood draw over with. That is, by far, the worst part of the medical check.

This doctor was so good with Josie, showing her on the toy monkey exactly what she was going to do. Josie didn't buy it.  She still didn't want her socks and shoes off. 

After naptime, we explored the roof of the 4th floor between the two high buildings where there is a huge landing. TJ has been wanting to go swimming and this was a much nicer pool than our last hotel, so we agreed. Kids are not allowed to go unsupervised, so Kevin got elected for 'pool duty'. It's great weather here, but it was also about 4 oclock and maybe in the 70's.  Not necessarily ideal pool weather. It was humorous watching them endure the cold, but afterwards Kevin said it was actually more enjoyable than he thought it would be. I didn't get a picture of the experience because I was on 'Josie duty' by the pool. She was in a giddy, running mood and there were tons of sharp edges and concrete. So, no free hands for pictures.

After swimming, we found a playground on the 4th floor roof.
Here she is ready to slide down awaiting a big 'boo!' from her big brother. 

 By a cool waterfall on the 4th floor after TJ got out the pool.
When I inquired about his smile, he told me this is how he smiles for pictures when he's shivering.
Some of you have asked how Kevin and I are doing emotionally. I think the fact that this is not a new process for us, plus that Josie is who she is, and that TJ is who he is, has made this quite a peaceful trip. Plus, we're not cooking, cleaning, carpooling, intervening on childhood disagreements or having to make a myriad of daily decisions like we do back home. We have two parents on duty for two kids all day long. So, relative to how life will be when we get home? This is a bit of a cakewalk.

Right now all our attention is on Josie and it's nice to have space to give her our everything.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking the time to update! It's been a joy to walk through these days with you!!! I know blogging can take time away from other things, but seeing these days unfold is priceless, and directs us more specifically in how to pray for all of you. And, anyway, I had to laugh in agreement with your, "two parents on duty for two kids" comment. Sounds like a vacation! ;) What a little sweetie you've got there.
