Friday, March 27, 2015

Hodgepodge of an update

Just wanted to offer a quick update...we are on step 3 of our countdown to China. It's hard to even believe at this point. Currently, in the paperwork world, Kevin and I have applied for our visas and should get them back early next week.  We've also put the wheels in motion for Peng's visa to be processing on the other side of the world and will be ready for us when we get there.  These last few stages of the process have all gone according to prediction, which is so incredibly refreshing! The latest tentative plan is that we'll be able to book flights for early May.

The other week, we also got an updated video, pictures and description of how our little guy has grown over the last year. We had been asking since November, so we weren't even sure if we'd get them before we traveled. But it was a welcome gift! And I, for one, am thankful we did because it was shocking how much Peng had grown. While we were aching for him this past year, he transformed from a toddler to a preschooler. He lost his chubby cheeks and is starting to lengthen into a little boy.  This was good for all of us to see, I believe, so we can change the image of him we carry around in our mind and be more prepared for him when he arrives.

Jude asked "Are you sure that's Peng?" and yes, we're sure. His eyes, his ears, his mouth - it's all Peng, just the 3 1/2 year old Peng.  I know someone who adopted a 3 year old and said she didn't realize how much she would grieve missing those first few years.  I think that is part of what we've done this past year and will likely continue to do as he grows up, realizing the years we missed together and when he asks questions we just can't answer fully.

Recently, we got a rough itinerary of how our time in China is laid out.  We decided to fly into Shanghai, in part because we have a friend living there and it will be nice to have a familiar face upon arrival. It's actually a friend I met on a mission trip to Poland over 20 years ago.  We've kept in touch and he now works in Shanghai. While he doesn't speak Chinese (he speaks about 5 other languages!), he will be a great help in just getting settled into the country. Our adoption agency will also be providing a guide for us who will translate and provide in-country transportation. We will stay in Shanghai for a few days to recover from jetlag and then take a train to Nanjing.  Adopting couples always meet their child at the Civil Affairs office of the capital of the province where their child lives. It's not a super cozy environment, but it's how they do it. These 'family days' are always on a Monday. We then take temporary custody and go back to our hotel for the rest of the day.  Tuesday we return to Civil Affairs and officially adopt him! Sha-bang! We have one day to lay low and then another day to take a day trip to visit his orphanage.

Some ask if this is healthy, but I am convinced beyond a doubt that it is. It will be emotional, I'm sure, but it is important for us to tell him we were there at his first home, meet all those who cared for him, let him say a proper goodbye and for him to witness his nannies in support of this big transition.  Otherwise, we run the risk of him feeling like he's been kidnapped in a way. That's obviously the last thing we want. Many pictures will be taken. As many as they'll let us, because I'm sure we won't remember everything.

After returning from the orphanage visit, we start our travels down to Southern China in Guangzhou. All adoptive families must funnel out through this city. It is our second week in China, in Guangzhou, where Peng will have a complete medical exam and our agency's in country staff will be helping to make sure his passport and visas will be ready by the end of the week.

We decided not to spend too much time 'sight seeing' as this can be exhausting and we just don't know how Peng will be with the transition. There are for sure some down days when we can head out into the city, head to the market, walk to the downtown area, eat at local restaurants, but we'll save some of the big famous sites (Great Wall, Terra Cotta Warriers, etc.) for a return visit perhaps :)

In the last post I shared we needed to quickly transition from 'waiting mode' to 'preparation mode'. I think that is happening. We have a corner in the bedroom that is piling up of 'stuff' we need to take to China. I have a packing list where I try to pick up a few things now and then from Target so I'm not overloaded with a huge list five days before we leave. Small steps a bit each day helps it feel doable. Some days I feel like this is all completely manageable and some days I panic inside thinking "I can't forget to go to TJMaxx and get some costume jewelry for the Adoption officials!" (It's pretty standard to give small gifts to everyone who helps in this process and apparently, they like TJ Maxx jewelry!)

Trusting God for His continued peace that passes understanding.

"I will not leave you as orphans. I will come to you." John 14:18

Shortly before Jesus is crucified, He spoke these words to his disciples.
He promised to send His Holy Spirit
to comfort them, guide them, advocate for them
 and remind them of all He had said.
And He did. 
We claim this for ourselves and also for our sweet Peng!

1 comment:

  1. :) Really happy for you. It's going to fly by!
